Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Self-Injury Awareness Day

Sunday March 1st was national self-injury awareness day. Many of you that I know helped me bring awareness to our community by wearing orange ribbons and special bracelets that I made you. I thank you for your boldness from the bottom of my heart.

It was a very special day for me, for it has been over 7 months since I have used cutting as a copping mechanism! But there are still thousands of people still dealing with this issue. We must continue to educate people about self-injury so more will come out and get the help that they need. There is a healthier way to cope with all of life’s disappointments.

If you are looking for more information on self-injury, you may contact me any time, look into a few of my past posts for I did a series on self-injury or check out my new blog associated with my spa: http://www.face2facewithbeauty.blogspot.com

Also, check out this coming Sunday’s Daily Republic Newspaper for a special article about self-injury and an interview with yours truly… me!

Thanks again…. Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 13, 2009


It’s Valentine’s, this weekend. For many that will mean fancy dresses, high heels and up-do’s. There will be hundreds and thousands of roes and other flowers given out not to mention all the delicious chocolate candies! Lots of special engagements will fill the air with sparkling diamonds to accompany the loving words for these moments. There were will be teddy bear hugs and fun filled dates of all kinds. How sweet…

As for myself, I have two very special furry friends that I am spending my day with to celebrate their love for me and mine for them! They are my four legged kids; my toy poodles. Meshach has been with me since he was a wee little guy of only 2 months old weighing in at only 3 pounds. He is now 13 years old and is just a bit larger at 11 pounds. Despite his age, he thinks he is still a puppy! We have been through allot together, good and bad. He is the best dog in the world and smart as a whip when he wants to be. He has a great sense of humor to go along with his gentle temperament. He stole my heart the first day I saw him and still does every day.

The other love of my life is Mary Magdalene, Maggie for short. She was a stray that became part of our family just shy of one year ago. She is about 6 years old and only 6 pounds but thinks she is a big dog and has a big confident attitude! Very little spooks her. She is much more hyper than Meshach and always has a ball of energy to play at any given time of the day or night. She has adapted to our family very well and is filled with a ton of love. She loves giving kisses and follows me every where I go. She too has a unique sense of humor and always has me laughing. I can’t imagine life without her and I think Meshach feels the same way!

How are you spending Valentine’s day?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Name Change

JUSTIN.... I am so sorry that I for some reason had it in my head that your name was Jake. I knew who I was referring to but had such a mind blowing experience last night that I wasn't thinking straight. I found your wordpress blog and realized that I had used the wrong name when recognizing you and I wanted you to know that I now have made the correction... sorry about that!

The Power of Touch

I had an extraordinary experience tonight that I believe soul heartedly was orchestrated by God himself! I have had the pleasure of watching a particular story unfold for over a year now, under the most unexpected circumstances. I recently heard someone say that people are placed in our lives for a purpose; not only our friends and families but strangers and the people we see often but don’t know like our hairdressers. I am starting to understand this concept on a very deep level.

Tonight I met the most awesome group of people I have ever met. They’re people just like you and I but they had the most amazing aura (for a lack of works.. sorry) about them. It was the glory of God. It oozed out of them. They weren’t preachy or full of bible verses, again just plain people like you and I. But they had the “it” factor! It came across loud and clear!! It poured out in buckets and over flowed onto me like nothing I have ever experienced!!! It wasn’t anything special about anyone person or anything they said… it was without a doubt the love of Jesus Christ pouring onto/into me like a refreshing summer storm! It smothered me in the most powerful way… it has left me truly breathless! Not to mention speechless, and that is not an easy task for me!

There have been so many little things this past week which I know in my heart that it is God showing me to hold on and keep pushing forward for He has so much more waiting for me and I have seen His love for me in so many ways. There was a time, not to long ago that others have seen these signs but I couldn’t see them to save my life and this week I see them all over the place! But the biggest sign was tonight! One of the things that has been lacking in my life in a huge way are hugs. Yes, hugs. There was also a time that I didn’t want to receive hugs from anyone, but allot of times got them any way. And it is something lacking at this time. Tonight God filled my heart and soul with more hugs than I have had in the past 9 months! And from strangers, at that. I know in my heart that all those warm inviting hugs were Gods arms wrapped around me!

God knocked my socks off tonight in an overwhelming way! And I want more…. The power of touch can change a life…

Gadi, Amanda, Mark and Jake: you guys rock!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Be The Example...

My new year wasn’t off to a great start like I thought it would have been. Our falling economy has hit my business like a ton a bricks, family issues dealing with illnesses and lost souls, and friends throwing daggers filled with disappointments. Sound familiar? What is one to do?

Through a string of events God has cleverly intertwined certain people in my life that have taught me some great lessons, recently. My Pastor, one of these people, is teaching on a series about making the climb to change. I believe the time has come for people to make a stand for what and who they believe in and move forward in growing up! Growing up spiritually, that is. The lessons at hand for each of us are not always easy and can take a tremendous amount of courage to humble ourselves to move forward. But that is what needs to be done in order to move forward. We all have choices to make and some may say it is easier to stand still and not make a choice. Do you realize that by not making a choice, you have made a choice? By not choosing you have made the choice to stay stagnant and not grow. Even if your choice ends up being the wrong choice, you stood for something and God can always use a something kind of choice, for His glory.

Life isn’t always fair! We are nothing more than mere humans that have been made faulty and we will always disappoint and make mistakes… wrong choices, its how we have been hard wired. God allows us free will of choice and when we mess up we need to know that in that moment we did the best we knew to do. He will strategically place certain people in our lives to show us where we were wrong and it is up to us to humble ourselves to allow the lesson to be learned so we can then grow.

Everything we do every place we go and everyone we know has been placed in our path for a reason. Sometimes it is to teach us something for our own personal growth and other times it is for the other person to grow through our acts and words. Remember as we are constantly watching others who walk this narrow path, we are constantly being watched too. In the end, it comes full circle… as we walk and live life, we make our choices. Those choices not only affect each of us personally but also the people around us and even those that we don’t know.

Isn’t it time to become humble and learn something so we can grow up? I can only speak for myself; I am tiered of being ignorant and having to rely on other ignorant and immature Christians to “try” to help teach me something. I am ready to be the few that will move forward towards growth to be the example that I (we) were truly meant to be.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, goes the clock
The key that holds the block to my heart is now unlocked
Trickery at its best goes around the block, once again

Restless and worrisome at my core
Nothing to adore so I would I want more
A whisper of come hither in my ear
Setting me up for a war with no way to deplore

Fabrications cloud my view
Craved in my heart like a bad tattoo
Hussshhh, can you hear the bitter sweet echo
Listen… tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice and shame on me

Ignorant deception
Viewed with an innocent perception
Mixed is a treacherous combination

No warnings, no signs, no alarms
Just dreadful storms
Armed with fragile glass made of toxic tears
While drowning in fears

My heart aches
My body has been twisted inside out
There is no doubt, there doesn’t seem to be a way out

Time is all I have on that clock
Which can’t be mocked
Broken spirited with no wings to fly
I wish I could cry

Freefalling high in the sky
Only to be denied
Frozen in this time
The silent whispers are the crime
Listen… tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, goes the clock