Sunday, November 30, 2008

Silent Screams

Silent screams fill the frigid night air
Their level of pitch is piercing, so beware
Take yourself out of your square
You will become defended, I swear

Wide open spaces with pure air to breathe
Deep in the valley of doubt
I’m trying hard to shout it out
In the silhouettes of life
With motions of strife

Alone in a crowd
Drowning in the thundering silence
Wrapped in a shrouded cloud
Lost in this flock
But no one seems to be shocked

I reach for empty dreams
Only to find hidden schemes
Illusions of my hearts desires
To be filled with liars

Majestically walking through this reservation
Feeling the vibration of the temptation
While all along just wanting formation
Screeching screams in the distance as the sunrises
And the clock on the wall goes clockwise
I can’t believe I’ve been deceived by their disguises

Living in denial of these silent screams
Wanting to be in the mainstream
Yearning for acceptance and validation
I won’t settle for imitation
The realization of my desperation
Continues to fill the air with my silent screams
They are more than night-mare daydreams

Reality settles in my peculiar world
Tangled and swirled in all its worthlessness
Hoping it doesn’t turn to bitterness

Surrounded by the loudest silence I have ever heard
Plastered on a billboard for all the world to see
But there is no one to hear my plea
Is there such a thing as being free

Open your eyes and see
Open your ears and hear
The silence screams will become clear
And then you’ll know they are sincere

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

People, Wake UP!!!

What makes people do the things they do; especially “so called” Christians?

This month has turned out to be busier than I had anticipated. All of life’s everyday things that we deal with; the day to day chores, laugh’s and struggles all piling up to create the next step of the journey. Sometimes the simplest of things can become so overwhelming, but not necessarily in a bad way!

As I have traveled through this month (the last few months), I have encountered some things that I have witnessed and/or heard that have made me ask: what makes people do the things they do? I am speaking mostly about Christians. Let me make it clear that I am NOT saying that Christians, or anyone else have to be perfect… after all there is no such thing! But aren’t Christians suppose to set a different type of example for people to follow? I won’t get to technical here, but if I am learning this correctly, we are suppose to act in kindness and love, speak in “truth” with a gentle spirit and not stir up strife. We are to love the unlovable, and try to reach the unreachable and not push them out of the way or treat them like they don’t matter or wash our hands of them when we are fed up because they aren't growing fast enough. We are also not suppose to allow our minds and tongues to linger in vulgar filth. Again, I know that we are all very human with limitations but some Christians don’t even try to live up to this, which is what is expected of us, as Christians. Some of these Christians are very quick to toss you out if you don’t fit in their click and/or judge very harshly. And some don’t think twice as to the filth that filters into their minds through books, movies and the internet and that is what usually seeps out from their tongues. It’s heart breaking!

I know in the past few months, as to what all I have encountered through “so called” Christians, is not the kind of Christian I want to be! I am far from perfect and am just learning these lessons, but my prayer is that I can become the type of Christian that truly represents who Christ is and to the best of my ability set the example the way it was always intended to be. I know, I know… God has his work cut out for Him where I am concerned, but NOTHING is impossible for Him!

As God continues to open my eyes and my heart as to the things that need to be changed in me to become this example, I will continue to pray for these “so called” Christians that God will open their eyes as to their faults and where they need to change in order to stop damaging others and the reputation of who Christ is.

What makes you do the things you do?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ticking Time-Bomb

Sorry for the time laps on posting anything new. These past couple of weeks have been unusually busy and haven’t left much time for anything extra.

As you obviously know I have taken on the task of putting together a series of posts on witchcraft. This has taken more time than expected to put all the information together in a way that you can understand it and get something out of it. As I have been working on these posts and doing a bit of research I have come across some interesting facts that I was not aware of myself. This is such a deep complex topic; one that is still very tangled in my own mind and belief system. It has created some confusion in my own thought process and I know it requires time in prayer for I am also aware that it will stir up spiritual warfare.

Because we are approaching the big holiday season, I need to stay focused on other things right now. As some of you may know I own my own business and this time of year is a make or break deal with the financial end of the business. I don’t have the time or energy to get deep into this topic and to fight a spiritual war; please forgive me. I do promise during this Christmas season to work on the series and will come back to it in January. It is an important topic that needs light shed on it and I do plan on doing just that.

In the mean time I will continue to post on other things as I make my way through to the end of this year. There are certain things that are going on that I can’t wait to share with all of you. Thank you for your patients and understanding.