Monday, August 25, 2008

Lazy Summer Days

What ever happened to lazy summer days? I remember a time when the summer meant lounging around a pool or a lake with friends and family, basking in laziness. Enjoying doing nothing! What ever happened to those days?

Now days the summer seems to be just as busy as any other time of year. We rush around doing this and doing that, going here or going there, people demanding our time for one reason or another. There seems to be an never ending mound of laundry and house cleaning that always needs to be caught up on and trying to figure out what’s for dinner on an evening when it’s 90 degrees out and no breeze in sight. What did happen to the lazy days of summer?

I happened to catch a lazy summer day today! After an unusually long weekend, I was given the opportunity to bask in a little laziness. It gave me time to reflect on what God was trying to show me this weekend. I came to the conclusion that not everyone will understand my choices or even agree with my views and that is ok because I am learning that a life with God doesn’t always make sense. As I basked in the beauty of this new revelation, I began to see how many doors of opportunity where beginning to open for my past to be used for His glory!

This lazy summer day has reminded me that we all need to bask in laziness once in awhile and reflect on the lessons that God tries to teach us. I know today, taking the time to let the world pass me by has filled my heart with gratitude. Gratitude that God has opened my eyes and heart as to what He is doing in my life. It has begun to bring Philippians 4, full circle. When was the last time you took a summer day just to be lazy? Time is running out; the summer is coming to an end.


Anonymous said...

So I seriously need to have a lazy summer day of my own haha

Kare said...

you better hurry dude, they are almost over and then it will be the hustle of the Christmas rush!!